This reflection is inspired by the Bruno Munaris's book "Good Design", published for the first time in 1963 by Scheiwiller Editore. The idea was born from the desire to pay homage to a character who has inspired dozens of designers all over the world, starting with myself. The magic of Munari's work is to know how to speak through the universal language of fantasy. In fact, his publications are mostly dedicated (and inspired) to children, their clear imagination and their ability to marvel. "With a circle, a line, a square and a triangle - he said - anyone is able to represent the world". The intelligence of Nature is hidden within the simplest forms we know, so designers have the task of removing any unnecessary and disturbing elements. To see the simplest forms within the more complex ones. To find the most basic signs in the structures that surround us. Today we hear more and more often about "atomic system", meaning a design process that involves the constitution, first of all, of the basic elements of the system and gradually more complex ones (small-first), like a living organism, which grows, changes and adapts itself to the external environment, thus becoming the effective structure of the cultural fabric. What's "good design" then? Maybe only intelligence made visible.